Telia Finance is a small company within a large organization. We’re a tight-knit group of approximately 150 colleagues that, with a flexible and goal-oriented way of working, contributes to the development of innovative and competitive financing solutions for our customers telecom needs today and in the future.
Telia Finance AB (corporate registration no. 556404-6661) is a Swedish company, whose headquarters are located in Solna. Telia Finance AB is a credit market company under the supervision of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (“SFSA”, in Swedish Finansinspektionen). You can find more information on our license to provide financial services in SFSA’s register.
Telia Finance AB offers financial services in other countries within the Nordic region through its branches in accordance with EU Directive 2013/36 / EU. The Telia Group's companies provide sales support to Telia Finance AB in the local markets. Telia Finance AB is a contracting party in all agreements with customers.
Good corporate governance means ensuring that companies are run sustainably, responsibly and as efficiently as possible. If you would like to learn more about how governance and control is organized in Telia Finance you can find more detailed information under Corporate Governance.
Head of B2B Financial Services (Acting)
Head of B2C Financial Services (Acting)
Head of IT and Security
Head of Analytics & Strategy Management
Head of Compliance (Acting)
Head of Risk Control
Head of Credit & Operations
Head of Communication & Culture
Head of Legal (Acting)