Enterprise/Our offers/Lease communication solutions

Lease communication solutions

Leasing your technical equipment means you are not tying up more capital than necessary, paving the way for greater opportunities for your company. Leasing instead of owning has a number of benefits.


  • Frees up capital
  • Easier administration
  • Enables you to keep up with the latest tech

How it works

One invoice
Your company’s entire communication solution is collected in a single agreement, on a single invoice. It can include hardware, software, non-recurring expenses, services and maintenance.

Only pay for your operating expense
With a leasing solution, your company will not have to tie up capital in expensive investments. Instead, you just pay a pure operating expense on a monthly or quarterly basis. This gives you greater flexibility, allowing you to make other investments.

Easier administration with one agreement
Leasing a complete function simplifies your company’s administration, giving you access to all equipment, services, and maintenance within the scope of a single agreement.

Clear costs ­­smoother budgeting
With a set agreement term, you know how much you will be paying for the lease for the entire period. This simplifies accounting, budgeting and follow up of your company’s expenses.

Keep up with the latest tech
The company has the opportunity to monitor rapid technical development. You can upgrade or gradually replace your equipment without affecting your operating expenses.

Adaptable agreement periods
The agreement period is adapted to ensure that the cost level is right for your budget. If your company’s business changes, we can adjust the agreement to suit the new conditions.

Leasing is good for the environment

Leasing your equipment is a flexible and financially beneficial way of accessing the latest tech. When you lease, every component becomes part of a lifecycle where everything that can be recycled or reused is utilised.

Protection in the event of damage

We lease insured equipment which efficiently protects your company against financial setbacks or business disruption in case of damaged equipment. We quickly restore your equipment’s functionality by repairing or replacing it without value reductions.

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