Private/About us/Sustainability


At Telia Finance, we aim to have as positive of an impact on society as possible. Directly through the sustainability actions we take, and indirectly through what we help our customers achieve. Being part of Telia Company we have the possibility to make big contributions to a more sustainable society.

Zero CO2 and zero waste by 2023

In 2019, Telia Company adopted two daring environmental goals: by 2030, our CO2 and waste footprints will be zero. This means that we are now increasing the pace of our work around the circular economy. We need to find new ways of looking at electronic waste and the resources we have, both within our business and in our business ecosystem.

Together we’re committed in making this the decade of action and contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Telia Company’s sustainability goals
Telia Company’s sustainability goals

Find out more about what we do within Telia Company for a safer and more sustainable society.

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What we’re doing at Telia Finance

The aspect of climate and circularity where we can make the biggest impact is through our life cycle management system; a smart circular system that allows our enterprise customers to keep their technology updated, without contributing to unnecessary electronic waste. The used equipment is recycled in an environmentally safe way. But we do more than that to contribute to a safer and more sustainable society.

Life cycle management
Life cycle management

One important aspect of our lease offer is that when it's time to upgrade your hardware, we take care of your used equipment to reus or recycle it in a sustainable way. With safety always being our highest priority.

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Privacy and digital sustainability
Privacy and digital sustainability

Digitalization brings great opportunities to society, but the rapid technological development also brings new and accelerated privacy and security-related risks. Finns out more about how Telia Finance handles personal data here.

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A sustainable workplace
A more sustainable place to work

We continuously strive to create a better workplace, by building teams that strengthen each other and make the world a better place. A community where colleagues collaborate, grow, and reach their full potential with our customers and partners.

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Telia Finance ISO-certifications

Telia Finance's management system is certified according to two different ISO standards. ISO 9001 (Quality Management) applies to how Telia Finance consistently providing high-quality products and services that meet customers' needs. ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) applies to how Telia Finance manage its environmental impact throughout the life cycle of its products and services. We are audited by independent auditors in our work with both quality and environmental issues.

Telia Finance ISO-certifications

© Telia Finance AB 556404-6661 Stjärntorget 1 Solna