Private/Pay in parts

The benefits of paying in parts with Telia Finance

Freedom of choice
Add new products within your credit limit whenever you want! You’re also able to pay extra at any time to reduce your repayment period or pay off your total outstanding debt whenever you like at no extra cost.

No hidden fees
There’s no added interest to paying in parts with Telia Finance, and if you opt for one of our digital invoicing methods in Sweden, Finland, or Norway, there are no fees.

A clear overview of your pay in parts purchases
You’ll receive one invoice for the products you pay in parts from Telia Finance. The invoice for subscriptions is sent separately from your operator. That way, you get a clear overview of what you’ve bought and how much is left to pay.

How does it work?

When you buy hardware and accessories from one of our resellers, you can pay your purchases in parts with Telia Finance. We offer an interest free credit. Depending on the country an invoice fee may apply, but the first invoice is free of charge. Via My pages you can see your total debt, pay your invoices, and get more information about your purchases and payments. For more information about resellers and invoicing costs for each country, please see our local pages below.

Fees, interests, and other conditions

What does it cost to pay in parts with Telia Finance?
Total cost of credit (APR) with a representative example from 2025-02-25:
The APR for using a credit amount of 10,000 kr at 0% credit interest (borrowing rate) with a repayment period of 24 months, with 24 instalments of 416.67 kr/month is 0% with invoice received via e-mail or e-invoice (0 kr). The total amount to repay for a credit of 10,000 kr is 10,000 kr. Paper invoice costs 49 kr/month.

Pricing below is applicable for the Swedish market

Fees and interest
0 kr
Borrowing rate (Credit interest)
Paper invoice
49 kr/month
E-mail invoice or e-invoice
0 kr
Reminder fee
60 kr/reminder
Penalty interest

*Penalty interest is charged in accordance with the Swedish Interest Act from due date with the reference rate established by Sweden’s central bank (Riksbanken) every calendar half year plus eight percentage points.

Loans can cost money!

If you’re unable to repay the debt on time, you risk receiving a record of non-payment. This may lead to difficulties in renting a home, sign subscriptions, and obtaining new loans. Please contact the budget- and debt counseling service in your municipality to receive support. Contact information can be found on


SECCI (Standard European Consumer Credit Information) SwedenTerms and conditions Sweden

© Telia Finance AB 556404-6661 Stjärntorget 1 Solna