Private/Support/FAQ Fiber to household

About fiber to household with Telia Finance

The interest rate that affects your monthly cost for loans with Telia Finance is based on our margin (fixed) and Stibor (variable). Due to the current global situation, the variable interest rate has now increased, which may result in a higher monthly cost. This also means that your monthly cost may change further in the future based on the variable (Stibor) interest rate.

The loan is personal, and as a borrower, you are obligated to repay your loan. Which is why you can’t transfer your remaining debt to the new property owner. If you move, you can choose to either pay off the entire loan or continue to pay off your debt on a monthly basis, even though you have sold the property.

You can register for an e-invoice through your bank by searching for Telia Finance Lån as the invoice issuer. E-invoice is free of charge. By opening the e-invoice as a PDF in your internet bank, you can see a specification of your monthly cost and remaining debt.

We currently don’t offer direct debit. However, many banks offer automatic payments of e-invoices. Contact your bank for more information.

Yes, you can pay extra at any time using the same OCR-number as usual to pay off your loan faster.

If you want to pay off the entire loan at once, simply change the payment amount to your remaining debt. There are no extra interest costs added when paying off the loan in advance.

You do this on the order form when you place an order for your fiber installation.

The person who orders the fiber installation and owns the property.

The loan term is 36 or 60 months depending on which contract you’ve chosen.

This information is provided in the fiber installation offer that we sent you.

If you don’t choose e-invoice through your bank, a paper invoice fee of 3,90 € per invoice will be added.

You will receive your monthly invoice when the fiber installation is completed.

Yes, a standad credit assessment is carried out by Sergel kredittjänster, no later than a few weeks after your order. You will receive a copy of the credit report.

If your loan application is not approved, you will receive a one-time invoice requesting an advance payment. If we haven't received your payment by the due date, we will cancel your delivery and terminate the agreement.

Our agreement is always with property owner, not with a company. If the property owner is legal entity, we will invoice that legal entity.

No, it's not possible. The loan is personal

© Telia Finance AB 556404-6661 Stjärntorget 1 Solna